The 3 Key Notes About the Modernization of Recruitment
2019 is a candidate’s market. It is crucial for organizations to stay up to date with current trends in the recruitment industry. The industry of recruitment is transforming – it’s undergoing modernization, and not just through the use of technology. In order to remain competitive when looking for your next great hire, consider these three significant shifts that many companies are adapting to in order to both appeal to qualified candidates and make practical decisions to scale their business.

Use Data To Predict Hiring Needs
Gone are the days of assuming staff turnover is completely unpredictable. We are more informed than ever before to pinpoint staffing needs by mapping out data trends to make business decisions. It is now possible for organizations to be able to map out individuals’ career trajectory. Depending on the size of the company that you have, it will impact the sample size that you have available for you to analyze, but by looking at statistics in areas such as engagement scores, career trajectory and average employee tenure, you will begin to see potential gaps and be able to predict who will leave and when.
From this, you can take on a proactive approach when building out your next recruitment plan, backed by tangible data. The types of conversations are changing, shifting to an emphasis on forward-thinking. By using data, you will more confidently be able to say, “I am looking to hire my next [position] in [number of months].” Only 29% of companies are currently using data to forecast hiring demands (*Source:
Data also allows you to reduce the time it takes to make your hires, making your recruitment more effective. By measuring statistics like how long it takes to fill an open position, the time it takes for candidates to move through each stage of the recruitment process, benchmarking against industry averages can help you identify gaps in your recruitment process and where you can find efficiencies to improve your time to hire.
As the market becomes more and more competitive to find the ideal candidates to hire for your organization, remember that at the end of the day, people want to talk to people. By ensuing that candidate communication is optimized, focusing on your employer brand, leveraging valuable position promotion strategies and undergoing data analysis will increase your chances of attracting, retaining and improving your recruitment process for your organization.
Marketing Plays a More Important Role Than Ever In Recruitment
You must be a part of the movement, on the same page of innovation, and add value online by contributing. There is a shift beyond resumes, especially in such a technology dominant world we live in. It’s more effective now to approach candidates in a longer recruitment process, first getting to know them and then present opportunities that would fit their personality, career goals and experience afterwards. It’s crucial to step away from templated messages to humanize the process.
Candidates are currently “shopping” or “browsing” around for opportunities because they have more options now than ever before. Using tailored position marketing strategies will properly build your candidates into a marketing funnel to engage them effectively with personalization. Remember that social media is a tool to use, not an end all, be all solution. Perform an analysis of what platforms will be the best fit to communicate your open position/s. Engage in marketing research to understand which titles, desired skills and position profiles will be more attractive to the candidate pool that you are targeting. This will also help the response rate for recruiting passive job seekers who are open to opportunities but not actively seeking them on their own. Connecting with candidates and deep diving into their true nature will aid in understanding their fit and where their value can maximize company growth and success.
Candidates Want Authenticity
It is crucial that companies share their culture both internally and externally. Showcasing stories about your culture, shows the authenticity behind your brand. Marketing for corporate brands has moved towards a focus on people and the teams within your organization. By humanizing your company and using people-focused marketing can steer you away from traditional branding, making your value proposition to potential candidates unique in nature. Think of different online content ideas to help drive your authenticity (i.e. interview employees on what it’s like to live through a day in their life at work, tell stories of team activities or unique and diverse attributes of some of your team members).
The expertise of your team will widen your reach within the industry that you’re operating in. No two team members within a company have the exact same career background and skill set. By truthfully marketing individuals’ expertise, interests and personalities it will let candidates know that your company has a diverse and exciting offering. Focusing on building a strong online presence through sharing your culture and people will allow potential candidates to get a better understanding of what life is like working at your organization.
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