Onboarding Process

Why Is Onboarding So Important?

Why Is Onboarding So Important?

You have spent countless hours, energy and money to ensure that you chose the right person for the job. Now it is time to secure your investment by ensuring that you set your new hire up for success.

Typically, in medium to large sized organizations there are Human Resources/IT/Marketing departments that are involved in some capacity with onboarding and training new employees in addition to the hiring manager. One of the most important factors to ensure a successful onboarding experience is to engage in open and frequent communication between all parties involved.

Here are some statistics that showcase just how important onboaring is to maximize productivity and retention.

Most organizations only focus on week 1 of onboarding according to HCI research. This type of short onboarding leaves employees confused, discouraged and lacking resources. 58% of organizations say their onboarding program is focused on processes and paperwork. The best onboarding experiences are structured and strategic with a focus on people as opposed to administration.

88% of organizations don’t onboard well according to Gallup research. Only 12% strongly agree that their organization does a great job of onboarding.

To learn how to create a positive onboarding experience download our GUIDE TO ONBOARDING