Ray Rashed
Ray Rashed is the Director, Technology & Innovation Banking at RBC for the Ottawa Market and all of Ontario North and East region. Ray leads a specialized team of individuals whose goal is to help companies scale by providing specific solutions, partnerships, products and services.
Ray has always had a deep passion for the tech sector and has had an opportunity to work with many companies at different stages throughout his career. In 2018, Ray joined RBC with an interest in supporting and leading the tech space and spent most his time with the Knowledge Based Industry team before officially taking over the new Technology & Innovation banking team in 2019.
In addition to his role as lead of the Technology & Innovation in Ottawa, Ray is also the executive sponsor for the Mosaic employee resource group for the Ontario North & East region and whose mission is to help foster an inclusive culture by enabling the success of visible minorities, invisible minorities and newcomers to Canada across RBC.
Originally from Prince Edward Island, Ray holds a bachelor degree from McGill University with a Major in Accounting and Minor in Finance. Before moving to Ontario he was nominated as a Top 50 emerging leader in Atlantic Canada.
Ray’s hobbies include travelling and spending time with his wife Aniseh, and 2 girls Jasmine and Lily. He’s also a fitness enthusiast who can be found working out in his home gym during his free time at 4:30am.