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Donna Baker Receives Her Hogan Assessment Certification!

Donna Baker Receives Her Hogan Assessment Certification!

This certificate acknowledges the completion of her training focused on 3 core aspects of the Hogan Assessment.

Hogan Personality Inventory: Describes normal, or bright-side personality – qualities that describe how we relate to others when we are at our best. Whether your goal is to find the right hire or develop stronger leaders, assessing normal personality gives you valuable insight into how people work, how they lead, and how successful they will be.

Hogan Development Survey: Describes the dark side of personality – qualities that emerge in times of increased strain and can disrupt relationships, damage reputations, and derail peoples’ chances of success. By assessing dark-side personality, you can recognize and mitigate performance risks before they become a problem.

Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory: Describes personality from the inside – the core goals, values, drivers, and interests that determine what we desire and strive to attain. By assessing values, you can understand what motivates candidates to succeed, and in what type of position, job, and environment they will be the most productive.

“The Hogan Assessment helps us identify better suited, qualified candidates who will thrive in our clients’ environments, and stay for extended periods of time.” – Donna Baker

What does this certification mean for our clients?

By using the Hogan Assessment for top candidates in consideration for executive roles for our clients we can better predict each of the candidates performance and reduce the risk of a bad hire. Hogan makes it easy to spot top talent and avoid hires who present better than they perform. Hogan Assessments decode the intricacies of candidates’ behaviors to streamline the talent acquisition process with unbiased data. We identify and measure the specific characteristics your prospective talent needs for success based on job criteria and 30 years of industry-leading research.

We believe the true value of talent development comes from strategic self-awareness. It’s vital that people understand the difference between the way they see themselves and the way they are seen by their peers, managers, and direct reports. As the industry-leading expert, Hogan has developed solutions that provide critical insight into characteristics that not only facilitate an individual’s success, but, more importantly, can cause failure and career derailment.

Talent Acquisition:

  • Identify performance risks before hiring a candidate
  • Instantly eliminate unqualified candidates and uncover the best
  • Explore strengths, performance risks, and values beyond resumes
  • Learn how candidates approach problems and think tactically